So, I am actually not behind on blogging, as you may think. It's been terribly unexciting lately. hahaha.
Friday (April 17) was a blah day. Totz blahz, if you will. Don't have class on Fridays, so instead, I spent a lot of day downloading articles for my papers here in Tartu. Very unexciting. I have a law paper that I have no idea what to write on. I can't read Russian law, and there's not a vast amount of true analysis in English. So I'm writing an IS paper instead of a law discourse. Hopefully that suffices. I'll be dealing with secession law in Russia anyway, so we'll see. And my paper for Soviet Transformation in Russia will be on the population decline. Yeah, I've researched this topic in depth before, but this will be more a historical paper than a contemporary analysis of policy. I should be able to eeek out the pages necessary...
Saturday (April 18th). Ew. Long run today. Ugh. The wind was CRAZY. In my face for 5 miles and gusting. I was about as not pleased as I could get. I was supposed to get more paper writing/research done, but instead I merely did nothing. It was a good decision. Time off is good, but I feel I'm taking too much time off as of late... eh. That's for the future me to worry about, I suppose.
Sunday (April 19th). I had a HOLY CRAP moment at 3AM on Saturday (I went nocturnal this weekend and my sleep schedule was tossed around like CRAZY). My old flatmate, Timofei, emailed me to tell me he was leaving on the 20th... MONDAY!!! CRAP!!! So today, I called him after my run, and we agreed to meet up for a dinner. Yaaaay, but sad day... I had told him I would be able to edit a paper he was writing with a colleague, but then I suddenly had 3 presentations, so I couldn't get to it in time. He said he had other papers he wanted me to look-at/edit, but we haven't discussed that in depth as of yet. But anyway. I went to Werner to get much needed caffeine (needed a LOT to get the engine running today), and then I met him and Ada for dinner.
And along with them were their "new" French flatmates - they moved into my old room from when I first arrived. Their names escape me right now. I didn't remember them when they told me either. I can be bad at names, but then when you say your name in your native accent/language and quickly, a name-fail-prone Texan isn't gonna get it. hahaha. We went to the Georgian restaurant, where I learned that I can still be ripped off for a meal, even in my 3rd month. Ugh. But the company was great!! I missed Ada and Timofei so much. I truly enjoy them!! They're so wonderful. But now Timofei's gone....
Monday 20th
Class was cancelled, so I slept in. Mmm... sleep. Then I got up and ran and the WIND WAS CRAZIER THAN BEFORE. Estonia's weather has found a new trick, and I hate it. Since the country is FLAT as a pancake (and just as populated... zing!), any strong wind from any direction has no major obstacles. Ugh. Awful. The run felt good, but crazy crazy windy. And I ran some errands for my trip to NORWAY!!!!! WEEEE!!! This was the extent of my day.
Tuesday, 21st (Today)
Went to my first class, where we discussed Energy Relations between EU/Russia. It was quite anti-climactic as we had brought this up nearly every class before, since it's THE biggest reason EU/Russia even have relations. Screw proximity, if it weren't for pipelines there wouldn't be a lot of talky talk. But the presentations were boring as poop, then switched to quite well-argued. So it was interesting indeed.
I went back to my room and started studying for my Russian test. I mean, it wasn't going to be difficult, but it certainly wasn't going to be a breeze either. Good thing I started studying, because I remembered half the things I also needed to study. So I got all good and studied up. Then I went and got my ERGO insurance faxed to somebody. Hopefully that somebody is Migration, and hopefully they'll give me a piece of paper and eventually an ID card that says I'm a resident for the remaining 6 weeks I'll be living here (more like 4 weeks by the time I get everything. Ugh). Then off to Russian. My professor left a note on the door - she's sick! I love Yelena, I don't want her to be sick. But she was anyway. Sad day.
So I went back to my room and watched 24. My roommate keeps me up to date with 24 and Lost via the wonderful Internet. 24 is really good for me, because it helps me remember how to defend myself from terrorists while abroad. And I learn how to use a "rugged" voice to get my way all the time. I think next episode will be a how-to in ass-kicking!
Then I ran my workout... It went well in the end, but my first 3k for time... didn't go too hot. Not so great... But then I kicked it into gear. But if I had been racing today, I would have died and sucked complete ass. Luckily, I wasn't racing today. Yay! That's for next week. AAAAHHH!!!! I'm going to get my ass handed to me, I think. Boo. hahaha.
But now I'm off to Norway!!! I'm so excited. Beyond excited. And I got 3 out of the 4 classes I wanted next semester at Rhodes, and I'm trying my hardest to get that 4th one. hahaha. We'll see... But I'll talk to you in a while, after I go to Riga, Lativa; Haugesund & Odda, Norway; and Bremen, Germany!!! WEEE!!!! 5 days of awesome.
Oh, most of the internationals are going on the school trip to St Petersburg this weekend, and I cannot wait to hear about their LOVE of that city upon their return. I miss St Pete. I'll be back in a few weeks!! Weee!!! Russia!! Fun! Yes, this is me giddy.
So that's Ada, me, and Timofei. I look like a giant, enthusiastic American next to them. I do love them so... My only photo with them.
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